Department of Neurology
The Department of neurology has every facility for the investigation and treatment of diseases aecting the brain, spinal cord,muscles, and nerves. The Department is equipped with State of the art neurophysiology lab and equipments to monitor acute
stroke. Having the facilities for intravenous as well as intra-arterial thrombolytic therapy. The department is equipped with modern EEG and ENMG Lab.
Botulinum toxin injection therapy for movement disorders and spasticity Prolonged video EEG monitoring for epilepsy Plasmapheresis for Neuroimmunological disorders.
Department of Cardiology

The department oers complete cardiac care unit with world class service from early disease detection to complex interventions. The diagnostic services include ECG, stress testing, 2-dimensional echocardiography, stress echocardiography, holter testing, Ambulatory Blood pressure monitoring, Pulmonary Function test and angiography. The Department have latest state-of-the-art GE Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory with IVUS, FFR AND ROTAABLATER for performing coronary interventions like - coronary angiographies, angioplasties, pacemaker implantation and technically challenging complex cardiac interventions. Endovascular intervention - have a an experienced and dedicated team performing techniques such as balloon angioplasty, stent implantation, atherectomy, endografting, laser angioplasty, and thrombolysis in both simple and complex peripheral vascular pathologies. These evolving treatments repair the vascular damage from within. Cardiac surgery has nest world class surgical suites with state-of-the-art equipments and heart lung machines. The surgical team involves highly experienced and motivated people involving Cardiac surgeons, Anesthetists, Perfutionist, Nurses and other support sta. Our world class surgical team performs all complex surgical procedures like Coronary Artery Bypass Graft surgery (CABG) including Redo CABG. Valve Repair and Replacement. Aneurysm surgery of Aorta and blood vessels. The team of specialists is highly skilled with a track record of very low mortality rate among best in the world.
Department of Orthopaedics
The Department of orthopaedics is staed with highly qualied doctors and deals with the whole range of orthopaedic problems. Our team of Orthopaedic surgeons are available round the clock for any ortho related problems for out patients, emergencies and inpatients.
24 x 7 trauma care for patients who have been involved in an accident and suer from injuries.
> Operation Theatre equipped with Laminar Air flow.
> Post operative pain control by epidural and IV analgesia by a team of experienced anaesthesiologists
> State of the art Instrumentation
> Well equipped ICU for post operative care.
> Joint replacements-computer assisted surgery
> Arthroscopic surgery
> Ilizarov and External Fixation Device
> Spinal Surgery
Department of Dentistry
sOur dental Department is all set to become the perfect answer to the impending dental care needs of the people. It will ensure top most dental care to patients at aordable cost.
> Service of highly qualied and experienced doctors.
> World class treatment facilities & ultra hygienic environment.
> Strict adherence to International Orthodontic treatment Philosophies.
> Audio-visual oral health education.
> Full-fledged dental laboratory & sophisticated X-ray unit.
> Clinic incorporated with the most modern imported equipments.
> Implantology.
> Cosmetic Dentistry.
> Restorative Dentistry.
> Endodontics, Periodontics, Orthodontics.
> Preventive Oral Care.
> Surgical Procedures and so on..
Department of Infertility
This unique department has got an innovative approach in the areas of Infertility; our doctors oer the most advanced treatments available in a warm, friendly atmosphere. Because we understand that each of our couples is facing their own unique issues and challenges, we strive to provide compassionate care that is customized to their needs and goals.
> Complete Infertility Testing & Treatment
> Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI)
> In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
> Intra Cytoplasmic sperm Injection)
> Ovulation induction (treatment for women who are not ovulating)
> Sperm banking
> 3D&4D scanning and color Doppler for early detection of fetal anomalies and fetal therapy
> Laparoscopic Surgery
> Hysteroscopic Surgery
Cancer Care - Oncology
The department of Oncology having comprehensive state-of-the-art facilities and a coordinated multidisciplinary approach for the treatment of patients suering from cancer.
Medical Oncology: Chemotherapy (also called chemo) is a type of cancer treatment that uses drugs to destroy cancer cells. Chemotherapy works by stopping or slowing the growth of cancer cells, which grow and divide quickly. But it can also harm healthy cells that divide quickly, Damage to healthy cells may cause side eects. Often, side eects get better or go away after chemotherapy is over. There have been several innovations in how there treatments have been imparted to cancer patients. Surgery has been moving from a more radical approach towards organ preservation, shorter hospital stay, less post-operative morbidity and minimally invasive and robotic surgeries. The intent of surgery can be to cure, manage or down stage cancer or symptom control. This is usually the primary treatment of choice in many early stage solid malignancies.
Radiation Oncology:Radiation therapy uses high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells by damaging their DNA directly or create charged particles (free radicals) within the cells that can in turn damage the DNA.
X-rays, gamma rays, and charged particles are types of radiation used for cancer treatment. The radiation used for cancer treatment may come from a machine outside the body (external radiotherapy), or it may come from radioactive material placed in the body near Tumour cells (brachytherapy) or injected into the bloodstream).